Rockin 3FM, AGAIN!

We played at Kaj’s show before but we were re-invited! Thank you Kaj for letting us kill it again in the middle of the night. Dragging me Deeper and Bad Trip live at our friends of 3FM
We played at Kaj’s show before but we were re-invited! Thank you Kaj for letting us kill it again in the middle of the night. Dragging me Deeper and Bad Trip live at our friends of 3FM
Those touching words were spoken by the great talented radio dj Kaj van der Ree just a week ago. We were invited by him to play some, read two, songs in his radio show at 3FM. After the first two…
Did you know we love radio? Yes we do! Did you know we love to be heard? Yes we do! Did you know we were on Dutch radio and you could hear us!? Yes you could! Picture or it didn’t…
Dat was weer knallen afgelopen vrijdag nacht bij 3FM #Freaknacht! Check hier de single Flying Away die wij daar speelden! En hier alle nummers inclusief een nieuwe: Gipsy Parade
Recensie van 3voor12 lees je hier: 10 man sterke explosie van drum ’n bass, pop, ska, dubstep, latin, polka en ja; wat niet eigenlijk? Het feest begon een paar uur eerder al tijdens de 3ONstage sessie van de NOS/NPO/3fm/3voor12 samenwerking,…